Saturday, April 2, 2011

Time to Accessorize!

Every girl has a set of accessories she can't live without.  Some girls love earrings, and others are fond of purses.  And while I definitely enjoy my handbags, nothing beats the love I have for necklaces, rings, and wallets--Oh, my!


My best friend left this lovely little necklace in my car a few months ago, and I doubt she'll ever get it back.  That little elephant pendant has become a staple in my wardrobe.

This little beauty was a gift from my mom for my 20th birthday.  I'm a big fan of unusual and unique jewelry, which is why I love this necklace.

My one and only hemp necklace.  Although I clearly need to make a new chain for the shroom pendant, I still love it.  I used to wear it for weeks without taking it off.


This pearl ring originally belonged to my mom, but once I saw it I begged for it until she finally gave in.  There's a lot of black and silver in my wardrobe, so this ring goes with pretty much everything.

This is the newest addition to my ring collection:  a multicolored turtle ring!  I actually got it just yesterday, and I'm already in love.


I got this aqua colored wallet for Christmas courtesy of my mom.  First of all, that's my favorite color.  Second, it reminds me of the beach.  What's not to love?

I don't know what to say about this wallet other then I'm in love with it.  I got it about a year and a half ago from Wet Seal.  I'm not crazy about their clothes, but man, this wallet is awesome!

Another one of my favorite wallets.  This one is super soft and that peace sign on the front is just so adorable.  I've used this wallet every day for the past six months--that's dedication.

This is the last of my favorite wallets.  The flower design and zipper tassel are what made me fall in love with this little wallet.

Of all the accessories pictured above, I have at least two of them with me at all times.  Hey, that's what your go-to items are for, right?


  1. That elephant necklace came from a market-type place in Australia :)

  2. Awwww I feel super honored to wear it now :D
